
听取社区领袖讨论物业税宽减建议(提案四), the Creation of the Texas University Fund (Proposition 5), The Creation of the New Water Supply for Texas Fund (Proposition 6), and the Creation Broadband Infrastructure Fund (Proposition 8).



State Legislative Agenda

In preparation for the 88th State Legislative Session, 大cq9跳高高试玩版通过我们的理事会和委员会收集了会员对问题的投入,并制定了一项全面的立法议程,以指导我们在整个立法会议期间的工作.

State Legislative Agenda

2023 State Legislative Agenda Summary




San Antonio has been a historic hub in the United States for maintenance, 修复, 现在是一个不断发展和创新的私营航天工业的地理中心. 商会支持促进长期航空和航天基础设施投资的立法, 包括:

  • Support efforts to reduce Sales, 财产, 和库存税收负担,以支持德州的资本和人才密集型产业
  • 支持鼓励建立和发展城市空中/先进空中交通产业的立法, and needs adopted in the TxDOT Urban Air Mobility Report 2021
  • 支持从2021年起通过SB763法案扩展TxDOT下设立的城市空中交通咨询委员会的工作.


宽带的接入支持了经济机会,并加强了企业界. The Chamber supports financial investments to remove barriers to broadband access, and to address the digital divide in local communities. The Chamber supports efforts to:

  • 为德克萨斯州的宽带基础设施寻找并创建一个长期的资金解决方案
  • 鼓励宽带供应商和地方组织之间建立公私伙伴关系,以实现建设的最佳效果, 服务, 升级, and security (Public Private Partnerships are a more practical, 可行的, and economical solution than Government Owned Networks)
  • 鼓励在成本高的地区使用联邦资助的可负担性项目
  • 支持社区和城市地区的数字扫盲和在线安全规划


 San Antonio is the second largest cyber hub in the United States. The Chamber supports legislation to strengthen the cybersecurity industry, 政府, and community partners in Texas.

  • Support increased aid to after school cybersecurity programs. 这包括将项目归类为官方竞争性赞助活动,并提供全额资金和教学
  • 通过增加对中小型企业的网络安全培训和网络安全采用的资金,支持加强德克萨斯州小企业的网络弹性
  • Support streamlined privacy regulatory requirements (reporting, ) for Texas businesses that deal with sensitive customer data.


州和地方的激励措施推动经济发展,有助于确保创造就业机会和资本投资,这对德克萨斯州的经济增长至关重要,并有助于确保德克萨斯州保持全球竞争力. 商会支持为加强本地区的增长和在竞争激烈的国内和国际市场中茁壮成长的能力所做的努力.

  • 支持制定州级企业招聘激励措施,吸引企业迁往德州, creating significant numbers of new jobs.
  • 支持扩大地方经济激励措施,并为县政府和市政府提供更大的灵活性,使这些协议适应地方需要
  • 支持德州运动影像产业激励计划的更新(HB 2417, 2021)


将企业与教育联系起来,培养本地人才,比以往任何时候都更加必要. 商会支持企业界与合作伙伴在教育和劳动力发展方面的合作,以帮助推动地区经济的成功.

Public Education

  • 资金
    • 努力建立一个可持续和公平的学校财政体系,包括反映全国每个学生平均支出的基本拨款,并包括通货膨胀调整
  • Teacher Workforce
    • 加强教师发展计划,并倡导消除阻碍教师候选人进入该行业的州障碍
    • 支持员工队伍我们希望在任何保留对话中包括多个员工组.
    • Invest in teacher and support staff recruitment strategies, including but not limited to: scholarships, loan forgiveness, and “Troops for Teachers.”
  • Career and Technical Education
    • Supports legislation and 拨款s for expanded career, 德克萨斯州公立学校的技术和技术贸易课程侧重于高技术和相关机械/设备的高需求工作, 课程, 为教室提供动手工具包,并扩大学生的职业准备选择

Higher Education

  • Increased investments in general academic higher education institutions to include: new and existing non-formula funding exceptional items; and universal higher education programs like: Formula 资金; the Texas Research Incentive Program (TRIP); Hazelwood program supporting military-affiliated students and their dependents; Texas Grant program for low- income and first generation students; and if addressed during the 88th Session, 支持基本建设援助计划(CCAP),这对所有有老化建筑和重大延期维修的公立大学至关重要.
  • Increased investments in community colleges that should be tied to: outcomes balanced with the true cost of education; incentivizing partnerships with industry to accelerate programs driven by employer demand, increasing access and use of state financial aid for all students, and encouraging completion of credentials of value.

Academic Health Centers

  • 支持保护和增加德州在圣安东尼奥德州大学医疗中心投资的政策, our comprehensives academic health center. UT健康圣安东尼奥在研究和重组工作培训和教育方面发挥着至关重要的作用,通过教育更多的医疗工作者来满足圣安东尼奥和南德克萨斯边境地区日益增长的需求,以解决我们日益增长的医疗劳动力短缺问题.

Workforce Development

  • 我们鼓励立法机关集中国家的资源,使德州人能够追求经济事业,我们要求立法机关维持, 如果没有扩展, 我们的社区成员有机会参加劳动力培训,提高技能,从事高需求的工作.

照顾孩子 & Early Childhood Education

  • 当父母们能负担得起高质量的孩子时,德州的经济就会更好, 高质量的儿童保育选择阻碍了我们的经济和劳动力的充分参与. 商会支持立法机构为我们州建立一个强大的儿童保育产业所做的努力. 商会还鼓励立法机关考虑设立奖励办法, like tax credits, to help employers expand the child care supports offered to employees.

能源 & 可持续性

我们州丰富的自然资源和有吸引力的商业环境为德州的繁荣做出了贡献, and we want that to continue. 商会支持立法以保留市政公用事业(MOU)商业模式,并建议以适当平衡相关成本与客户利益和负担能力的方式提高电力和天然气系统的可靠性和弹性. The Chamber supports:

  • 将可用的州和联邦资金拨给需要帮助支付水电费的德州人
  • The Chamber opposes deadlines, such as net zero emissions targets that are not achievable, nor supported by data to prove validity
  • 为企业投资于环境友好型技术或产品提供低碳激励措施
  • 反对任何可能削弱CPS能源公司直接满足圣安东尼奥社区需求的努力

医疗保健 & 生物科学

医疗保健和生物科学产业是圣安东尼奥社区的经济发动机. 商会支持对该行业的金融投资,以支持创业发展和经济增长.

  • 支持使用可用的州资金来匹配联邦资金要求,以维持和增加医师研究生医学教育(GME)住院医师职位, allowing us to keep our medical school graduates in Texas, and continued funding to address other healthcare workforce shortages, including in nursing and other health professions
  • 支持解决有记录的发病率和死亡率方面的健康差异的政策和立法, particularly among racial/ethnic minority groups and those of lower socioeconomic status; and that increase access to healthcare including preventing and primary care 服务s
  • Support continued authorized provider claims for full reimbursement for telephonic, 远程医疗, and telehealth 服务s
  • 支持建立一个以癌症预防为基础的德州脑研究所 & (CPRIT)模式,其使命是在全州范围内创建和扩展生命科学基础设施,加快研究创新,增强预防和治疗方面的突破潜力
  • 支持增加对精神卫生项目的资助,并扩大服务的可获得性和跨社区的推广
  • 支持全额提取联邦基金,以扩大德州家庭的医疗保险覆盖范围


Texas is home to 15 military installations and the U.S. Army Futures Command. Known as Military City USA™, San Antonio is home to 684,000 military personnel and 266 mission partners. Military operations have an over $120 比尔ion impact on the Texas economy. 商会支持对德克萨斯州军事任务的成功和军人及其家属的生活质量产生积极影响的立法和政策, 包括:

  • Support of increased Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant (DEAGG) funding
  • Support of state recognition of the Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape
  • 支持鼓励雇用退伍军人进入支持国家安全和经济发展的关键行业

旅游 & 热情好客

San Antonio is home to the Riverwalk, 阿拉莫之战, many family entertainment attractions, the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Texas, 也是美国第二个获得联合国教科文组织美食创意城市称号的城市. 商会支持支持我市和州的经济福祉的立法和政策,以及旅游业和酒店业为我市提供的许多经济利益.

  • Support the collection and use of Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT funds)
  • Support continued allocated funding for Alamo Master Plan work
  • Support the continuation of the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office


San Antonio’s population is expected to grow by over 1.2 million people (40%) in the next 20 years, placing extreme demand on the city’s already over-burdened transportation network. The Chamber supports any policy, 比尔, 拨款, or rider that increases dedicated transportation revenue, including support for:

  • The continued use of liquid fuels for transportation
  • All vehicles contributing to creation and maintenance of roads and highways
  • 继续为提案1(2035财年)和提案7(2032财年)提供资金并延长日落日期,以便资金来源可以纳入TxDOT和MPO的十年计划
  • 继续实行国家公路基金收入不用于非交通项目的政策

圣安东尼奥拥有全国最大的含水层储存和恢复系统,以及一些全国最好的水资源保护项目, using the same amount of water as it did twenty years ago. 商会支持保护城市水基础设施的项目和提高该地区水弹性的政策,包括:

  • 在地表水地区的法律和条例中进行适当的制衡,为发展和管理供水项目提供可持续和公平的框架
  • 要求德克萨斯州环境质量委员会获得或开发瓜达卢佩-圣安东尼奥河流域的最新水资源可用性模型
  • 为促进多代保存提供资金或其他机制的立法, 保护, and enhancement of the Edwards Aquifer through conservation measures, 包括获得保护地役权和位于爱德华兹含水层补给区和贡献区的土地管理实践
  • Support ongoing water conservation efforts, such as improving water use efficiency and the reduction of water loss



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